BDE: Shock in Aftermath of Passing of beloved Stamford Mashgiach
By: Yitzy FriedRockland Daily is shocked and deeply saddened to inform you of the sudden and untimely petirah of Rav Michoel Bender,.... read more

BDE: Dr. Dovid Hoffman, z”l
By: Rockland Daily Staff We are deeply saddened to inform you of the passing of Reb Dr. Dovid Hoffman of Riverdale, Chestnut Ridge,.... read more

BDE: R’ Shulem Fischer, z”l, of Israel, Force behind Bates Area Development
BY: Yitzy Fried We are saddened to inform you of the passing of the great philanthropist, R’ Shulem Fischer, z”l, of Bnei Brak. He.... read more

BDE: Rav Zecharia Wallerstein, zt”l, advocate for our most vulnerable
By: Rockland Daily staffWith heavy hearts and deep sadness we inform you of the untimely petirah of Rav Zecharia Shimon Hakohen.... read more
BDE: Mrs. Devorah Chanah Phillipson, a”h, Legendary Ba’alas Chessed
By: Rockland Daily Staff We are deeply saddened to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Phillpson, the wife and life’s-partner of the.... read more
BDE: Mourning in Anguish in Skverer Chassidus with Passing of Mrs. Chaya Perel Brailofsky, a”h, 42 of New Square and Yerushalayim.
By: Rockland Daily staff This morning, the tragic news came from Yerushalayim of the petirah of Mrs. Chaya Perel Brailofsky, a”h.... read more

Rav Kanievsky Leaves a Legacy for Generations to Come
by Yehudit GarmaiseOn Sunday, 750,000.... read more

BDE: Mrs. Etty Miller, a”h, Young Mother of Three Children
By: Yitzy FriedWe are deeply saddened to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Etty Miller, a”h, of Monsey, following a fierce battle with.... read more

BDE: R’ Pinchos Surkis, z”l
By: Rockland Daily Staff We are saddened to inform you of the passing of R’ Pinchos Surkis of New Square. He was in his 70’s..... read more

BDE: Rav Chaim Kanievsky Leaves This World Following 94 Years Dedicated Completely to Torah
By: Rocklanddaily Staff Shock, grief, and sadness descended upon Klal Yisroel around the world as it took in the sudden and deeply.... read more

BDE: Reb Yerachmiel Nachum Sternberg, z”l
By: Rockland daily staff We are saddened to inform you of the petirah of R’ Yerachmiel Nachum Sternberg, longtime resident of.... read more

BDE: Reb Yoel Goldberger, z”l
BY: Rockland Daily Staff We are saddened to inform you of the petirah of Reb Yoel Goldberger, z”l, of the Satmar kehillah in Monsey..... read more

BDE: Rebbetzin Hinda Kohn of Toldos Aaron, a”h, Longtime Monsey Resident
BY: Rockland Daily Staff A pall of mourning and sadness descended upon the Toldos Aaron chassidus, its many admirers around the world, and.... read more

BDE: Rav Moshe Burech Weiss, z”l, Menahel of No’am Elimelech.
By: Rockland Daily Staff We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Rav Weiss, z”l, a marbitz Torah who shaped thousands of.... read more

BDE: Reb Leibel Greenberg, z”l, Senior Skverer Chossid
BY: Rockland Daily Staff We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Reb Leibel Greenberg, z”l, of Skver, a meshamesh of the.... read more

Watch Levaya Live: Young Life Taken Suddenly Throws Klal Yisroel into Shocked Mourning
Klal Yisroel around the world—and in particular, in the communities of Boro Park and Monsey— remains dazed in the aftermath.... read more

BDE: Reb Ephraim Brill, z”l
By: Rockland Daily Staff We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Reb Ephraim Brill, z”l, a pillar of the Pupa chassidus. He.... read more