BDE: R’ Shulem Fischer, z”l, of Israel, Force behind Bates Area Development

BDE: R’ Shulem Fischer, z”l, of Israel, Force behind Bates Area Development

BY: Yitzy Fried

We are saddened to inform you of the passing of the great philanthropist, R’ Shulem Fischer, z”l, of Bnei Brak. He was the primary investor in the development of the Bates area in Monsey, and a major supporter of mosdos around the world.

He was a devout chossid of the Erlauer Rebbes, and was a major supporter of their institutions, and had a special place in his heart for orphans. He was especially close to the Gerer Rebbe, and was a supporter of Ger as well.

He absorbed his love of chessed by his father, Reb Shamshon Fischer, who owned Jerusalem Hotel, and would feed the poor and the hungry. Sadly, he was orphaned at the age of twelve, and this is likely why he gave enormous sums to easing the plight of yesomim.

He began his life as a simple restaurant owner, and throughout the years, expanded into a major business empire across the industries of retail and real estate in Israel and beyond.

He was the owner of IKEA Israel, an owner in massive supermarkets in Israel, manufactured candles, and invested in real estate all over.

He was sadly stricken with teh dreaded machlah two years ago, and was niftar this morning, leaving behind an incredible legacy of tzeddakah.

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