BDE: R' Yaakov Yosef Kaufman, z"l

BDE: R' Yaakov Yosef Kaufman, z"l

By: Rockland Daily Staff 

We are deeply saddened to report the petirah of R' Yaakov Yosef Kaufman of New Square, a young father and husband, who left the world in the overnight hours after suffering from heart failure. He was forty-four years of age, and his passing has plunged the entire Skverer chassidus into mourning, so soon after the passing of the Rebbe's daughter last week. 

The niftar was the son of Reb Aaron Kaufman, and on his mother's side he was descended from the famed Felberbaum family of Williamsburg. 

Family and acquaintances describe the niftar as a rare breed of avodas Hashem combined with a deep eidelkeit and refined middos. His smile lit up the room wherever he went. 

R' Yaakov Yosef z"l had an extremely finely attuned musical ear, and loved everything associated with authentic chassidishe neginah. Hie heart throbbed with the rhythm and rhyme of Jewish song, and he was also an incredible ba'al tefillah. 

The niftar tragically leaves behind a large family, only one of whom he was zoche to marry off. The tragedy is truly great, and being felt acutely by all those who him. 

The levaya is taking place at 9:15 this morning in front of the main Skverer Beis Medrash, and kevurah will be in New Square. 

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