With More Snow on the Horizon, NY Attorney General Warns Against Price Gouging
By Yehudit Garmaise
As three and a half inches of snow are forecast to blanket Rockland by tomorrow evening, NY Attorney General Letitia James has warned New Yorkers not to fall for significantly inflated prices during emergencies.
Illegal price-gouging is when store owners suddenly raise their prices of necessities, such as food, water, and gas, to take advantage of panicked consumers who want to stock up before and during emergencies. Batteries, hotel rooms, and car services and apps are also among the goods and services whose prices business owners might be tempted to spike has some more winter storms roll in. However, store owners who overcharge on essential items during times of great need can face fines that cost up to $25,000.
Residents who notice any price-gouging in New York are asked to report it to Attorney General James by using this form.