TODAY: Zvehiller Community of Monsey will Appoint Dayan
By: Yitzy Fried
The Zvehiller community in Monsey will gather today for a historic and joyous event, as they will appoint a new Dayan to serve the community, and lead and guide them individually and communally.
Rav Yona Lefkowitz has been delivering Shiurim for years in Birchas Shloime, the Zvehiller Beis Medrash on Union Road, which is named for the legendary Rav Shloim’ke Zvehiller. In this capacity, he has earned the reverence of the entire community.
With this formal appointment as dayan, he will take on a leadership role in the community, serving as a right hand to the Rebbe shlit”a.
The brand new Beis Medrash is in its finishing stages, and the event will be held there, in the presence of the Rebbe, who will conduct a tish in honor of his grandfather, Rav Moishe of Zvehill, which falls today, 9 Iyar, as the community looks toward the growth in the future.