Times for Nichum Aveilim of the Vizhnitz Rebbe
By Y.M. Lowy
The Viznitzer Rebbe, his kids and the Rebbetzin's siblings, will sit Shiva in the Ezras Nushim - Sukkah of the Shul, on the following schedule:
Nichum Aveilim:
- 11:30 AM – 2:00 PM
- 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM
- 7:45 PM – 10:00 PM
- Friday 11:30 AM- 2:00 PM
- Motzei Shabbos 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Zman Tefillah:
- 7:30 AM – Shacharis
- 4:15 PM– Mincha
- 7:30 PM – Maariv
Women will sit at the Rebbe's home (upstairs). The entrance is from the rear of the house.