Tehillim Requested for the Viznitzer Dayan of Monsey

Tehillim Requested for the Viznitzer Dayan of Monsey

 Rockland Daily Staff

Tehillim are requested for the Viznitzer Dayan of Monsey, HaRav Avrohom Nissan Neiman shlita, who suffered a cardiac arrest after telling his children he wasn't feeling well upon returning home from a simcha for a  grandchild.

Hatzoloh of Rockland was called, and after working to revive him, the Rav was taken to Good Samaritan Hospital where he is in extremely critical condition. 

The klal is asked to please daven for Avrohom Nissan Ben Rivka.

BDE: Hagoen Harav Avrum Nissen Neiman Ztz"l. Viznitzer Dayen
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