Spring Valley Seeks Suggestions For Purim Routes

By Idy Perl
Purim in Monsey has become quite the traffic-fest as Rockland has expanded and grown, causing traffic jams and headaches for local residents on one of the busiest days of the year. In the past few years, with the help of the Town of Ramapo, Ramapo Police and Chaverim, several street changes have been implemented throughout Monsey to ease the flow of traffic on Purim, which allows everyone to get to their destinations with minimum delays.
This year, for the first time, the Village of Spring Valley will be implementing similar changes to ease traffic within Spring Valley on Purim. The village trustees are seeking suggestions from the public to determine which streets should be closed off or made into one-way streets to best serve the needs of local residents.
Together with the Town of Ramapo administration and Chaverim coordinators, the Village of Spring Valley trustees will take those suggestions to coordinate the best Purim routes for Spring Valley residents.
"Of course, residents shouldn't expect traffic to be perfect this Purim, as this is the first year we're doing this," Spring Valley Trustee Yisroel Eisenbach, who is spearheading this initiative, tells Rockland Daily. " We will take all suggestions seriously and try to implement them as best as we can, and then see what works and doesn't work to improve for next year."
To suggest a road change for Purim please email: [email protected]