Snapshot: Mechel’s Takeout

By: Yitzy Fried
Situated on Route 59 sits Mechel’s Takeout, a place where there’s always something delicious coming out of the oven or off the stove, and where a friendly vibe is always being served along with traditional delicacies, spreading contagiously throughout the seating area.
Mechel Greenwald, the founder and owner of the establishment, has been in the food industry for decades—but he wanted a place where people can come to eat heimish food even at very late hours. He wanted to create a place where people can come in and always find a good, heimish, fresh, satisfying meal.
“It’s heimish food, made with love, straight from the heart,” comments an employee who has joined the management during the difficult Covid years.
“Covid was a difficult time,” he recalls. “So many other stores were forced to shut down. But because we’re a takeout, we were allowed to stay open.” But this did not mean it was easy… “There were all kinds of requirements and rules, and inspectors would show up with regularity. I’m really glad that we are past that time.”
One of the greatest points of pride at Mechel’s is the atmosphere in the place. “You can walk in at any time and meet random strangers—chassidish, litvish, Sephardic or modern—and you just find common conversation. I myself can’t explain our customer’s attraction to this place… maybe it’s the food,” Mechel observes.
“The greatest feedback I ever received happened just recently,” Mechel says. “A Lubavitcher chossid came in at a very late hour and said to me, ‘you saved my life.’
“Now, I am quite proud of the food we make, but wasn’t he exaggerating a little,” Mechel laughs. “But he explained that he makes the drive from Montreal to New York three times a week, and he is makpid on which hechsherim he will eat. There’s also a limit to the amount of coffee and yogurt he can eat. So, having Mechel’s right here, right of the exit, was for this man a lifesaver.”
Mechel says he has many plans for the future of the establishment. “We plan to expand the seating area, and there will be many changes coming to the menu.
“We have been here for eighteen years, but as the Monsey community grows, we want to grow along with it, serving a delicious, heimish cuisine to our fellow Monsey residents.”