Senator Weber Holds Public Forum on Foundation Aid Formula After Rockland School Districts Are Left Out of Discussion by Albany

by M.C. Millman
New York State Senator Bill Weber held a bipartisan discussion and testimony session at the Cultural Arts Theater of Rockland Community College last night, Monday, July 29.
Senator Weber arranged the meeting after the New York State Legislature scheduled five public hearings to gather input from communities statewide while leaving out Rockland County, as previously reported by Rockland Daily here. The failure to include Rockland is a puzzling decision by Albany, given the uniqueness of the East Ramapo Central School District, which has the most nonpublic school students of any district in New York.
The meeting demonstrated yet again that the senator remains committed to being a leading advocate for updating the funding formula.
Weber welcomed the meeting's participants, including Congressman Mike Lawler, a representative from Senator Pete Harckham's office, Assemblymen Karl Brabenec and Christopher Eachus, school superintendents from Rockland County and beyond, along with members of the public.
Much of the evening focused on the significant shortfall in foundation aid that Rockland schools have experienced, collectively amounting to tens of millions of dollars annually.
"It was critical that Rockland not be left out of this discussion," Senator Bill Weber shares with Rockland Daily. "Since the closest hearing would have been more than two hours away, I arranged an additional hearing for Rockland. Residents can rest assured that they were heard and that their testimony will be passed on and included in the Rockefeller Institute's final report.
"This is our opportunity to address the inequities in the Foundation Aid Formula finally. I strongly encourage every Rockland resident to make their voice heard and participate in this crucial process, which will have a major impact for years to come."
The findings of the summits, including Rockland County's discussion last night, will be compiled into a report scheduled for release by December 2024.
"My colleagues and I are committed to finding solutions and appreciate the spirited discussion," the senator shared.