Sanz Zhevill Rebbe Visits Yeshivah Shefa Chaim Sanz Klausenburg
Last week Thursday, on Taanis Esther, Yeshiva Shefa Chaim Sanz Klausenburg in Monsey got a special visit from the Rebbe of Sanz Zhevil shlita, son-in-law of the Sanz Klausenburg Rebbe z”l, who came to give a shiur to the bochurim in preparation for Purim.
The Rebbe spoke about the incredible dedication of the yeshivah hanhala, headed by the Rosh Yeshiva Hagoen Rav Moshe Horowitz, who put all their energy into helping the bochurim grow. The Rebbe also highlighted the incredible commitment the boys have for their learning and mentioned how his Father-in-law z”l would’ve had tremendous nachas.
The Rebbe’s visit instilled the bochurim and staff with great inspiration and chizuk in time for Purim.