Rockland Today: Simchos and Celebration- Thursday 4 Adar II/ March 14
Son of Admar Mskver Greenwill to the daughter of Eliezer Hirshler, in Ateres Charna.
Son of Yosef Eizenberg to the daughter of Chaim Mayer Rosenberg, Tferes Elka.
Son of Berl Weiss to the daughter of Avrum Fisher, in Ateres Chaya Sura.
Son of Mordcha Yahida Holtzler to the daughter of Yicheskal Spitzer, in Ateres Freida- Skver.
Son of Yoel Beier to the daughter of Yaakov Yosef Goldklong, in Avir Yaakov-Skver.
Bar Mitzvahs:
Son of Admar Mafnom Meiros Siksa, at 229 Maple Ave.
Son of Berl Badenskia in Tferes Gdlya.
Son of Avrum Menachem Hershkowitz, at 3 Harvest Ct.
Son of Yaakov Akiva Honig, at 16 Weiner Dr. Unit 301 Tomorrow Bris at Shatz Shul.
Son of Yashia Goldstein, at 31 Herrick.
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