REPLACED: Israeli Flag Displayed Anew After Brazen Theft Last Night from Ramapo Town Hall

REPLACED: Israeli Flag Displayed Anew After Brazen Theft Last Night from Ramapo Town Hall

by M.C. Millman 

This morning, the Israeli flag, which was hung with much pomp and ceremony, only eleven days on the side of the Ramapo Town Hall, was replaced after it got stolen last night from off of the facade of the building. 

The flag was placed for display at Ramapo Town Hall on Thursday, October 12, as reported by Rockland Daily here. 

In an effort to express solidarity with the ongoing situation in Eretz Yisroel, the flag was centered in the middle of a display of posters of the civilians kidnapped by Hamas terrorists.

To add insult to injury, the flag was stolen from the very building that the Ramapo Police Department occupies.   

"The Israeli flag is both a small and a very large symbol of the Jews' history and future," Legislator Itamar Yeger shares with Rockland Daily. "It references our connection to the land of Israel from King David through today.  It is not surprising that those who support wiping Jews from our ancestral homeland would target the very symbol of our connection to the land of our forefathers.  But we are stronger than their hatred.  Israel will prevail and live on, and the Jewish nation with it.  Am Yisrael Chai!"

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