Dezher Rebbe of Bnei Brak will Spend Shabbos Shira in Monsey

Dezher Rebbe of Bnei Brak will Spend Shabbos Shira in Monsey

By Yitzy Fried

The Maaglei Tedek Dezher Shul on Cole Avenue in Spring Valley is led by Rav Yechaskel Shrage Paneth, shlit”a. 

This Shabbos, Parshas Bshalach-Shira, the kehillah will welcome a special guest: the Dezher Rebbe of Bnei Brak, the father of the Ruv. 

The Rebbe will conduct tefillos and tischen at the shul, located at 29 North Cole Street, Spring Valley. The rebbes host during this shabbos is Reb Volf Adler, and the rebbe will see visitors at his home, 81 West Church Avenue, following havdalah and marking the conclusion of an uplifted Shabbos.

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