Monsey Memories: Beis Yisroel of Monsey
BY: Yitzy FriedIt was Monsey of the 1940’s, when the only heimishe Yidden to inhabit the hamlet were the Beis Medrash Elyon bachurim.... read more

Monsey Memories: the Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Moshe Green, zt”l
By: Yitzy FriedClose to two years have passed since the petirah of Rav Moshe Green, zt”l—one of Monsey’s most important figures.... read more

Monsey Memories: Rav Avraham Baddouch’s Journey Morocco to Monsey
By: Yitzy FriedThe serenity of Monsey has traditionally attracted numerous great men who sought to shape their talmidim away from the.... read more

Monsey Memories: Reb Daniel Goldstein, Z”l
The Goldstein family is synonymous with valiantly swimming against the current in America, and of building generations of Torah-true Yidden amid.... read more

Monsey Memories: Rav Tzvi Hirsh Meisels, zt”l, Veitzener Rov
By: Yitzi Fried On 92 Main Street stands an ancient building, One of Monsey’s oldest shuls, Beth Israel of Monsey—whose storied.... read more