BDE: Reb Mordechai Schwartz, z”l, One of Skverer Roshei Kehillah

BDE: Reb Mordechai Schwartz, z”l, One of Skverer Roshei Kehillah

By: Yitzy Fried 

We are saddened to report on the passing of Reb Mordechai Schwartz of New Square. He was a pillar of the Skver’er chassidus and was just shy of his hundredth birthday. 

The niftar was born in Serdahel, Hungary, and survived the Holocaust. Following the war, he came to Williamsburg and was the Rosh Hakohol of the Viener Kehillah in Williamsburg for many years. He later became close to the previous Skver’er Rebbe and would remain an ardent Skver’er chossid for the rest of his life. 

Reb Mordechai would be seen every morning before four o’clock, beginning his day with learning, davening, and other spiritual pursuits, before going out to work. He was a major Torah supporter and a major ba’al tzedakah. 

The niftar was a mechutan with chashuve Rabbonim of the previous generation, and leaves behind beautiful generations, and merited to see the marriage of his first great-great-grandchild only recently. 

The levaya will go out from the great Skverer Beis Medrash this evening at 10:00. 

Yehi zichro Baruch.

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