BDE: Reb Levi Glatzer, z”l

We regret to inform you of the passing of Reb Levi Glatzer, an ardent Boyaner chossid and longtime Monsey resident. He was 85 years of age.
He was born in the Bronx to his parents, Reb Chaim Yosef Dov and Chana (nee Shildhaus) who came to America following World War One and ardently clung to the tenets of Yiddishkeit.
Reb Levi learned in Yeshiva Torah Vodaath, where he acquired a burning love for Torah which would remain with him for life. People would tell him, “You speak more to Hashem than to people.”
In his youth, he would frequent the court of the previous Boyaner Rebbe, and would discuss everything in his life with the Rebbe. Upon the Rebbe’s advice, he went to learn in Eretz Yisroel as a young bachur for three years. Then, the Yeshiva Tiferes Yisroel-Ruzin yeshiva was located in Botei Horenstein, and he learned there with incredible hasmodoh.
He married the daughter of Reb Lipa Weiss, an ardent Bobover chossid. Together with his eishes Chayil, he established a beautiful Torah family, with Rabbonim and bnei Torah among them.
He forged a close bond with the Ribnitzer Rebbe, zt”l, who gave him a number of artifacts which remain in the family to this day.
Reb Levi was always in a rush… and he could always be found in his seforim room toiling in Torah learning. He would arise in the very early hours of the morning, and learn the entire day, gemara and Shulchan aruch. He had a complete mastery of Kedushas Levi and Mesilas Yeshorim from having learned them over and over throughout his life. Once, someone quoted something in the name of the Kedushas Levi, and he immediately replied that there is no such Kedushas Levi anywhere. Upon rechecking, Reb Levi was found to be correct.
He had an exceptional yiras shomayim, and would never speak about people. If the conversation turned to discussing others, he would immediately change the subject.
Reb Levi had great awe and respect for the current Boyaner Rebbe, shlit”a, and by extension the Rebbe’s son who has recently assumed the leadership of the Kehillah in America.
Thus, Reb Levi spent his years immersed in Torah and avodah, until his passing in the early hours of Tuesday morning.
The levaya will take place at 10:00 at the Boyaner Kloiz 29 Yale Drive. Upon the requests of the niftar, there will be no hespedim.
Yehi Zichro Burich.