UPDATE: Rockland Responds: Ramapo Superintendent of Highways Fred Brinn Comments on Signal Issue Near Shoppers Haven

UPDATE: Rockland Responds: Ramapo Superintendent of Highways Fred Brinn Comments on Signal Issue Near Shoppers Haven
Updated: July 20, 9:00

Reply from the State DOT Regional Traffic Signal Engineer regarding the alleged issue on Orchard Street and Route 306 in front of Shoppers Haven.

Good Morning All:

The DOT got out to the signal this past weekend and confirmed that the signals are working properly. Pedestrian signals always display the red hand symbol(Don’t Cross) during normal traffic cycles. If pedestrians wish to cross either crosswalk, they MUST press the appropriate pedestrian crossing button. I checked all the pedestrian buttons, they tell you what road you are crossing, and the white pedestrian symbol (safe to cross) is displayed, making it safe to cross. 

Photo: The light is red on Route 306, so it’s green on Orchard with a red pedestrian signal in the background.



I appreciate that we can address our concerns about the Town through Rockland Daily, especially regarding safety hazards.

When crossing from Orchard to Main Street to get to Shoppers Haven, the light on Orchard is green, letting cars know it's safe to go ahead and cross Main Street. At the same time, the white walking person's signal appears, telling pedestrians it's safe to cross. People can get injured or killed by following the lights.  

That is not the way it should be that cars see a green light appear and have to make a quick short stop at the same time as the signal shows the white walking person. 

The light has been like this for quite a few years, and it's a dangerous hazard! Are we waiting for an accident to happen to fix the matter? 

When my child wants to head down to get to Shoppers Haven, she has to go to Maple and Main, where it's safe to cross to go to Shoppers Haven. In other words, she goes in a different direction first for her safety. 

Can something be done to make this location safer for all? 

Thank you, 
Monsey Father


Dear Monsey Father, 

Main Street, otherwise known as Route 306, is a State road maintained by the New York State Department of Transportation (DOT). the light is under the jurisdiction of the State. Any timing issues with the light and/or the crosswalk indicator's timing between lights would be the State's responsibility, so the State would need to come out to check for any irregularities.

We have notified the DOT and sent them your complaint. And they will come out and check it as soon as possible, as we told them it's a very busy intersection. 

At the same time, we will have them look at the painted crosswalks to see if they might need to be redone. 

We will let you know as soon as we have an answer from the State.

Fred Brinn, Town of Ramapo Superintendent of Highways

- - Email [email protected] to have your question answer

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