Thruway Authority Awarded Federal Funding to Develop Comprehensive Safety Action Plan to Improve Roadway Safety

Thruway Authority Awarded Federal Funding to Develop Comprehensive Safety Action Plan to Improve Roadway Safety

The Thruway Authority received a $1.2 million federal grant as part of the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration's Bipartisan Infrastructure and Jobs Law – Safe Streets and Roads for All grant. 

The funding will be used to develop a comprehensive safety action plan for the 570-mile Thruway corridor statewide. This plan will outline actionable strategies for achieving the Thruway Authority's safety goals outlined in the recently Board-approved strategic plan, including reducing the number of incidents and fatalities, reducing the number of traffic-related work zone incidents, decreasing the number of employee injuries, and implementing best-in-class training opportunities for employees and contractors.

The Thruway Authority applied for the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant in July 2023 and is one of 14 recipients in Upstate New York. The Comprehensive Safety Action Plan will be developed through a collaborative effort including agency partners, community stakeholders, and the public, and it will include a community outreach campaign that involves the public and other stakeholders throughout the process to collect diverse input and ensure equitable representation across the Thruway System. Trends and circumstances specific to the Thruway corridor will be analyzed and evaluated to develop the comprehensive plan, including projects, countermeasures, innovative technologies, high-impact strategies, policy and guideline review, data collection, reporting, and data storage.

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