Rockland Writes: Full Blown Garbage
Dear Editor,
Yesterday was another windy day in Ramapo. I guess that makes sense since it's March, and we all know that "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb." As I live in Clarkstown in Zone One, yesterday was not only a windy day but it was recycling day as well in my neighborhood.
Due to strong wind gusts, a lot of the recyclable garbage placed in the town-provided bins ended up scattered all over the place by morning. I watched as neighbor after neighbor headed out the door—carpooling, working, shopping. Not a single individual could be bothered to bend down and pick up either the trash that had blown into their yard or their own trash that had blown away from their yard.
Realizing that no one was going to deal with the situation and that time was running short before the recycling truck arrived, I went up and down the street and picked everything up myself. Now I understand that people lead busy lives—so do I.
I would like to suggest two things before the next windy day.
1) Please secure your trash on the street when the wind is going to be out full force, whipping up everything in its path.
2) If somehow some of your garbage escapes, do the responsible thing and clean up after yourself.
Your neighbors will thank you.
Shochain Tov