Rockland Responds: Town of Ramapo Supervisor Michael Specht Responds to Question on Project Delays

My question is - why does everything the Town of Ramapo does seem to take forever before it gets done?
For example, a turning lane was finally on the agenda by Suzanne and Maple. The Town made a new sidewalk 10 ft into the property by the corner, but the old one was never removed. They also never finished the actual turning lane, even though it literally takes nothing to complete. There are no electric poles or transformers, just one simple stop sign they have to move, and they still haven't done it. Before Yom Tov, having this job completely done would have been a huge help, but there doesn't seem to be any plan to complete it at this point.
Also, it seems like when we ask for answers, everyone in government tries to blame everyone else.
For example, the crosswalk by 18 Forshay, why is it acceptable when they say the Town says it's waiting for the DOT to approve it? It's literally life-threatening what's happening over there every day. I'm sure there's a way they can get it done sooner, yet it's been like this for years.
My point is it seems like the Town is trying to get away with excuses wherever they can, but they still want to show you that they're here for you.
Mordechai R.
Dear Mordechai,
Thank you, it's unfortunate that you seem misinformed. Here are the facts:
Government processes do take longer than the private sector; however, the items cited by you are not Town projects. The work being performed on Suzanne is by a private developer as part of his project. The Town has requested that this portion of the project be completed as soon as possible.
Forshay is a County Road, and the Town has no control over installing a crosswalk; we have encouraged the synagogue under construction to keep the parking on the same side of the street where all activity will occur to limit the need to cross Forshay. The Town did install additional streetlights, as we are doing throughout unincorporated Ramapo, as we have the authority to do so.
This is not an "excuse" but a simple reality; unfortunately, people are often unaware of the fact that we only have jurisdiction over Town roads.
Michael Specht, Town of Ramapo Supervisor
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