Rockland Responds: Town of Ramapo Supervisor Michael Specht Comments on Improved Street Lighting Throughout Ramapo

Is it true that it was announced last week at a meeting that the Town plans on installing hundreds of street lights? Do you have any more details you can share, such as when, where, etc.?
RocklandDaily Reader
Dear RocklandDaily Reader,
About four years ago, we started a plan to improve lighting throughout unincorporated Ramapo. We purchased about 1,200 lights from Orange & Rockland (O&R) and did a study to determine where new lights should be added.
As a result, we are adding 1,500 new streetlights. We are also purchasing 600 additional existing lights from O&R that are powered by underground electric connections. So, in total, there will be 3,300 street lights installed throughout unincorporated Ramapo.
We are also upgrading all new and existing lights to LED smart lights, so we can raise or lower brightness as needed. For example, we can make the lights brighter in the evenings when people are out walking and dim them later at night. The upgraded lighting will be energy efficient and have reduced glare, making it easier on drivers and pedestrians.
Installation is starting now and will take several months to conclude.
Michael Specht, Town of Ramapo Supervisor
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