Rockland Responds: Town of Ramapo Supervisor Michael Specht Comments on Camp Hill Road and US-202 Traffic Issues

Hi Rockland Daily,
Would you be able to reach out to our officials of the County, Town of Ramapo and the Village of Pomona regarding what can be done at the intersection of Camp Hill Road and the US-202, as there has been an uptick in car accidents and during rush hour there is a constant backup of traffic.
Thank you,
Pomona Resident
Dear Resident,
This location is an intersection of a state road (202) and a County Road (Camp Hill Rd). One side is in unincorporated Ramapo, and the other side is in the Village of Pomona. New York State Department of Transportation has the authority to make any improvements. Their five-year capital improvement plan does not show anything planned for this intersection. Therefore, although neither roads are Town roads, the Town has taken the initiative to have our engineering consultant undertake a traffic study for the intersection. Once that is completed, we will work with NYS, Rockland County, and the Village of Pomona to implement any recommended improvements.
Michael Specht, Town of Ramapo Supervisor
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