Rockland Daily Today: Simchos and Celebration- Wednesday 14 Shevat/ Jan. 24

Son of Elimailach Shwartz to the daughter of Yoel Gelb, in Ateres Chaya Sura.
Son of Mordcha Rukiach to the daughter of Moshe Chaim Shnebalg, in Vilchovitz.
Son of Amrom Bretter to the daughter of Yoel Shwimmer, in Tertzal.
Bar Mitzvah:
Son of Yoel Glick, in Ateres Yachial 230 Viola Rd.
Son of Shimon Gertner, at 1 Brewer Rd. Tomorrow Bris at Pupa Shul.
Son of Yisroal Shnebalg, at 10 Dunhill Ln. Tomorrow Bris at Tfilah Lmoisha 35 Brockton Rd.
Son of Arya Osher Indig, at 5 Mosier Court #112 tomorrow Bris at 29 Yale Dr.
Son of Yitzchok Issak Moskowitz, at 96 Rt. 306 unit 111 Tomorrow Bris at Vishnitz Shul.
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