Rockland County Legislator Wieder Gives Tour of Government Offices to Rechovot Councilman
by M. C. Millman
Rechovot Councilman Pinchas David Huminer, who was visiting the U.S. for the Kretchnif Rebbe's wedding to the Skverer Rebbe's granddaughter, as reported by Rockland Daily here, was offered a tour last week of the legislature and the many offices associated with it by Rockland County Legislator Aron Wieder
"I wanted the Councilman to see how the legal process operates here in Rockland County," Legislator Wieder tells Rockland Daily. "Councilman Huminer is a three-time elected councilman as well as Chair of the Finance Committee in Rechovot. As I am the Chairman of the Budget and Finance Committee in Rockland, I knew the visit would benefit both of us as a way to share ideas. The afternoon was interesting, and I was happy to spend time with the Rechovot Councilman. I wish him the best of luck running for reelection."
The afternoon included a visit to the Rockland County Legislature Chambers, an explanation of the court system, a meeting with Rockland County Executive Ed Day, Town of Ramapo Supervisor Michael Specht,
Jury Commissioner Patricia Zippilli, Rockland County Clerk Donna Silberman, and a meeting with Ramapo Police Chief Martin Rielly during a tour of the Ramapo Police Department.
The Councilman was especially intrigued with local relationships between the communities' electeds and general government agencies. He had several inquiries on the subject, giving him ideas to take back to Rechovot. While Rechovot is not as large as Rockland, it is home to 150,000 people. Its claim to fame is the Weitzman Institute of Science.
The Councilman offered to provide a guided tour of his municipality in Rechovot the next time those he met pay a visit Eretz Yisroel to reciprocate for the hospitality he received in Rockland County.
"I enjoyed meeting the Councilman and learning a little about his community in Israel," Ramapo Police Chief Martin Reilly shares with Rockland Daily.
"It was an honor to meet Rechovot City Councilman Pinchas Humineer and welcome him to Ramapo Town Hall along with Legislator Aron Weider," Supervisor Specht tells Rockland Daily. "We discussed the similarities and differences in how local government functions here and in Israel. Police Chief Marty Reilly then gave Councilman Humineer a tour of Ramapo Police headquarters."