Republican Candidates for Governor Face Off in Only Debate before Primary Election Day on June 28

By Yehudit Garmaise
The Republican candidates vying to run as New York’s nominee for governor faced off tonight in the only debate in which they will take part before early voting starts in just six days: on June 18.
The candidates agreed that Gov. Kathy Hochul has adopted liberal policies in New York that have made the state less affordable and more dangerous.
When the candidates, who all called for massive cuts in state spending and taxes, were asked whether violence or crime ever personally impacted their lives, businessman Harry Wilson had unfortunately shared that he had recently experienced tragedy.
“On Thursday night, my cousin’s father, [who was 77] was murdered in his backyard,” Wilson said. “[The perpetrator] was a monster who was out on cashless bail upstate who had committed two assaults in recent weeks.
“He has set a fire in his backyard to draw him out, and then he stabbed him to death.”
Wilson said that when his cousin called him, she said, “You have to get elected. You have to fix this problem.
“And I am going to do everything in my power to do it.”
Giuliani blamed the mass exodus of out of the state on New York’s skyrocketing crime rates, which he said are sky-high statewide, and not just in NYC.
“On Day One, I would ask the state Senate and the Assembly that I need a full repeal of bail reform on my desk, or I am not passing anything in your upcoming budget,” promised Giuliani, who participated in the debate remotely in a nearby studio because he had not been vaccinated.
US Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-1st) said that the hardest part of serving in Congress has been going to funerals of “people who are dying too young: especially NYPD funerals in which we hear family members asking for action.”
Zeldin also pointed out that many crimes that are plaguing New York do not involve guns, such as stabbings, subway shovings, hammer beatings, and hate crimes.
“We have to combat all of this raw, violent hate,” Rep. Zeldin said.
“Right now in New York, everything is in chaos,” said Astorino. “People don’t feel safe.
“We have to get back to what made NYC and all of our cities safe: supporting law enforcement and stop coddling criminals, who deserve to be in jail.”