ON NEWSSTANDS: Dee Voch Mega Pesach Edition Delivers Stunning Content

by YS Gold
The Yiddish-reading public has come to expect a feast for the senses in Dee Voch’s magazine each and every week, but especially when it comes to Yomim Tovim—and they never disappoint. This year’s Pesach edition is comprised of numerous volumes, geared to every member of the family—from fathers and grandfather, to teenagers and children of all stages.
It features a dizzying array of content-filled, inspiring and fascinating columns that readers will want to hold onto long after Yom Tov has departed us.
Following is a taste of some columns that readers will find in the various sections of Dee Voch and Shrift magazines on newsstands now:
The Dee Voch magazine is, as always, packed with photos and news tidbits of Jewish communities around the world.
A special section is dedicated to coverage of Admorim and Rabbonim fulfilling birchas ha’ilonos, which comes with the beginning of Nissan, as well as other preparations for the upcoming Pesach.
There is likewise a plethora of photos of Klal Yisroel around the world preparing to usher in the Yom Tov.
The Shrift magazine brings amazing features to your home:
Special features include: an interview conducted by Rabbi Tuvia Freund with the Sanz-Klausenberger Rebbe shlit”a; Reb Osher Freifeld who has spent years in the African jungles as well as in countries around the world; a historic visit to the legendary Bodek factories, serving the kosher consumer for close to forty years; an interview with Holocaust survivor R’ Yaakov Friedrich; an in-depth interview with the legendary artists behind so much of the graphics in the Jewish world today, R' Avorhom Neuwirth; a conversation with the founder of B’chatzros phone hotline.
The Documentation Project, an ongoing series, chronicles wartime actions that confused enemy combatants.
An incredible projects gives readers a view of life in Boro Park over twenty-four hours, observing up-close the fascinating life in one of the most active Jewish communities in the world.
Words of Tzaddikim: Pesach-related tidbits from Admorim around the world.
Chassidim Harishomim focuses on R’ Yitzchok Dovid Friedman of Pupa.
The popular Bayomim Haheim column presents historic photos of the second Knessiah Gedolah.
World traveler Reb Moshe Klein takes us to Turkey this year, giving us a glimpse into the various Jewish communities there.
The legendary Ba’al Menagen, Rav Yirmiah Dammen, is interviewed in Shrift this Yom Tov.
A special project profiles people who had the privilege to drive gedolei Yisroel.
Another special project features four dramatic tales of rescue from very trying situations.
Getting to know the famed tzaddik, Rav Amram Ben Divan, whose resting place in Morocco has become popular in recent years.
R’ Dovid Weissenstern has distributed coffee and other beverages at the kosel for twenty years, and is featured in Shrift.
An interview with Rav Naftoli Pruzansky of London on his unique path in chinuch.
The great Belzer shul in Yerushalayim is featured in Shrift, along with numerous other engaging features.
The Kinder Shrift is likewise a gift to the children for Yom Tov:
A historic interview with the Pink-Karliner Rebbe in honor of Yom Tov; Reb Shimon Yoel Klein visits the Zaanse Schans, Holland—a city renowned for its water mills and flowers and panoramas; Reb Yosef Moshe Kahana gives a glimpse into Pesach with L’chaim; an in-depth conversation with the renowned storyteller, R’ Matisyahu Green; a conversation with the talented head-counselor R’ Naftali Teitelbaum; Shlomo Ari Perlow walks on his own two feet after doctors gave up on him; focus on people who have moved to and from different countries; stories l’kovod Yom Tov; articles on science and niflo’os haborei, alongside dozens of other articles and features that will bring children—and adults—true simchas Yom Tov.