Monsey Memories: Uncle Robert and Tante Ruth Krane

Yitzy Fried
Residents of old Monsey will recall the Krane’s, an incredible couple who filled the lives of everyone who was privileged to know them with joy.
Uncle Robert was born in Sullivan County, and his family owned a laundry business in Woodridge, having come to the United States in the early 1900’s. While most of the family sadly left the ways of Yiddishkeit, Uncle Robert returned to observance. He married Tante Ruth, and together they enriched the lives of everyone who knew them.
They were a deep part of the lives of so many old Monsey residents, and the following was written about this incredible couple by one daughter of one of the families fortunate to know the Krane’s.
A couple, affectionately known by many as Uncle Robert and Tante Ruth Krane, were never blessed with children of their own. Uncle Robert lived to the age of 90, Tante Ruth lived to the age of 99 and they were happily married for approximately 70 years. Most couples can't fathom living through the next ten years without having a child of our own; the thought of 70 years would blow our minds.
But no one ever heard a word of complaint from Uncle Robert and Tante Ruth. Although God decided that they would not have children of their own, they lived their lives with so much grace and kindliness that there are hundreds of people, adults and children, who treated them as they would their own parents.
The only time anyone heard Tante Ruth discussing her childlessness was when she said that God did not give her children of her own so she would reach out to other people's children. Instead of thinking Why Me?, she thought, Why not me. She and Uncle Robert took this message to heart and reached out to many people -- emotionally, spiritually, and financially, filling their days with helping others. Every baby that was born received a blanket hand knit by Tante Ruth. Each child who visited their home got a bag of Tante Ruth's homemade cookies and some M and M's. Before we left to camp or school, Uncle Robert would slip us $20 or $50 for spending money.
As the children grew into adults, Uncle Robert and Tante Ruth attended all their simchas, celebrations. Their house was full of albums of other people's children. By giving so selflessly for so many years, they had more children than they ever could have given birth to physically, taking care of them in their older years.
Yehi zichram baruch.