Construction at Tzion of Kossov Rebbe Zt"l

By Rockland Daily Staff
Construction took place today at the Tzion of the Kossov Rebbe zy"u in the Viznitz Beis Hachaim.
In keeping with the tradition of the dynasty of Kossov-Viznitz, instead of erecting a tall headstone as is common at regular graves, a special stone structure has been built around the Tzion. At the front, the Rebbe's name is inscribed, and inside there is a space designed to allow people to place their kvitlach.
Additionally, the Tzion of the Rebbe's father, the Kosov-Zalishchik Rebbe zt"l has been dismantled and rebuilt. The entire area has been redesigned to facilitate the many Mispalelem who come to the Tzion.