Clarkstown Will Not Be Seeking to Eliminate Term Limits

M.C. Millman
While originally Clarkstown planned to hold public hearingsTuesday night, one on repealing and one on amending the Clarkstown 2015 law limiting board members to a maximum of eight consecutive years of service, the proposals were withdrawn a mere few hours before the meeting.
According to Rockland Business Journal, the hearings were
canceled on short notice because Town Supervisor George Hoehmann lacked the
support to acquire a supermajority from four council members as required to
repeal the law. Had the amendments gone through, many feared legal action from
unhappy Clarkstown Democrats might have ensued, which would have left taxpayers
holding the bag for what would have been a hefty tab to defend the action.
Canceling the amendment leaves Hoehmann unable to run in the next election as his eight-year term limit will have expired, leaving Clarkstown residents to wonder who will pick up the slack in 2023.