BDE: Reb Asher Enzil Steiner, z”l, Vienna-Monsey

BDE: Reb Asher Enzil Steiner, z”l, Vienna-Monsey

Yitzy Fried

We regret to inform you of the passing of Reb Asher Steiner, z”l, of Vienna, a ba’al tzedakah, and a talmid chochom. He was 82 years of age and lived in Monsey.

The niftar was born in Hungary and relocated to Vienna as a child. This is where he would grow up and spend his life becoming a pillar of the community. As a bachur, he learned in the Erlauer Yeshiva in Eretz Yisroel, and there he acquired a love for Torah that never left him.

Despite his many business considerations and concerns, he was always learning and delivering shiurim around the city of Vienna. He served as the longtime Rosh Hakohol of the Machzikei Hadas Kehilla in Vienna and was renowned as an incredible ba’al tzedakah.

A serious and deeply intelligent personality with a diplomatic presence, he never flouted his extreme wealth. He was a serious person concerned with what was truly important in life.

Rav Shaul Yechezkel Schwartz, a Vienna native who is a dayan in Boro Park told Rockland Daily, “I was at a wedding in Vienna, and I saw the niftar very late at night at the wedding. But this did not interrupt his regular routine of being at the Gemara every single morning at 5:00 and sitting there learning for hours on end.”  

Five years ago, Reb Asher Enzil relocated to Monsey to be near his children. 

The levaya will take place 11:00 this morning at Kolel Zichron Menachem, 10 Maple Terrace.

Yehi zichro baruch.

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