BDE: R' Yosef Tzvi Gelb, z"l
YS Gold
We regret to inform you of the passing of Reb Yosef Tzvi (Hersh) Gelb of the Monsey community. He was in his 70s.
The niftar was the longtime proprietor of Bright View Optical on Route 306 in Monsey, and one of the prominent Pupa chassidim in Monsey.
During his youth, he was one of the transcribers of the Torah of the previous Pupa Rov.
He always had a smile for everyone, and treated his customers like family, related a former Rockland resident who remembered the niftar well.
The levaya will take place this afternoon, 1:45pm, at the Pupa shul in Monsey.
Yehi zichro baruch.