Yeshiva Mayan Torah Opens in Suffern

Yeshiva Mayan Torah Opens in Suffern

by M. C. Millman

"For many years, my wife and I dreamed about an exciting type of chinuch. Just seven months ago we decided to make the dream a reality and build a new yeshiva," Rabbi Yoseph Vigler, founder and dean of the new mesivta, and a Rov in Flatbush, shares with Rockland Daily, "and here we are today, with a full staff and students and a new five-million-dollar building."

The Vigler's dream of providing teenage boys with self-confidence, tools for emotional health, and optimal physical and spiritual growth has come true. The Viglers, along with the vision, courage, and leadership of Eli and Shterny Steinmetz and a joint team effort of many dedicated individuals, worked as a team to make that dream a hard-won reality.

"Too many of us have not had a positive experience in the chinuch system and remained culturally Yidden at best because the system didn't understand and appreciate us. We wanted to create a yeshiva that would be individualized," Rabbi Vigler shares with Rockland Daily, "where every child matters and counts, and every child's uniqueness is cherished, with the highest standards of lomdus and connection to Yiddishkeit. Bringing to real life the vision of the Lubavitcher Rebbe for every child."

Yeshiva Mayan Torah opened in Suffern and started the school year with a bang. Students were treated to a welcome barbeque. The fervor of the singing and dancing reflected the anticipation and excitement for the upcoming school year. Local Rabbonim and Mashpiim who came to bentch the new yeshiva included Rabbi Nosson Gourarie, Rabbi Lesches, Rabbi YY Jacobson, Rabbi Moshe Gourarie, Rabbi Chaim Schabes, and Rabbi Shusterman.

The yeshiva is headed by Rav Nochum Labkowski, a great Talmud Chochem and experienced teacher of many years. He is joined by the Mashpia Rabbi Menachem Feldman from Sydney Australia, and several experienced shluchim.

The story behind the yeshiva's opening is nothing short of a miracle, according to the Viglers. They told Rockland Daily about how when a beautiful house in Pomona was donated for the year for the new mesivta they were warned about the legal challenges opening a school would entail for that location.

"We had a lot of worries and anxieties," Rabbi Viglers says, "but we were crystal clear that it is up to us to keep going, and Hashem is absolutely with us. One guy, in particular, warned us sternly about the impossible hoops we would have to jump through to start the yeshiva. I told him that when we open, we are going to make l'chaim with him there, iy"H."

Just a few short weeks ago, a perfect location was found as Yeshiva Mayan Torah took over the beautiful wooded Yeshiva Tiferet Torah campus and opened the newly renovated location to its first year of twenty-one ninth graders from all over the tri-state area and beyond.

The yeshiva is now in contract and in the midst of a building, campaign to complete the purchase of the property with Hashem's help.

"And that person who kept letting me know about all the zoning issues we would have by staying in Pomona," Rabbi Vigler says, "He came, and we made a beautiful l'chaim together."

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