Viznitz Rebbe to Lead First-Ever Shabbos Tish at Bnos Yisroel Viznitz Shtible in Monsey

By Rockland Daily Staff
In light of the Rebbe's simcha this week, with the Shabbos Sheva Brachos taking place in the Bnos Yisroel hall, Tiferes Elka, the Viznitz Rebbe will lead Shabbos tefilos for the first time in the Viznitz shtible located in the same building.
The Friday night tefilos will be held in the shtible, and the tish will take place in the hall. On Shabbos day, Tefilos and Tishen will proceed as usual in the main Viznitz shul.
Notably, this will be the first tish the Rebbe leads in Monsey outside of his main shul.