Scheiner’s to Host 35 Megilla Laining’s Over Purim

Scheiner’s to Host 35 Megilla Laining’s Over Purim

By: Rockland Daily Staff

Megillah timings can be difficult for some families, depending on schedules and obligations, and young children at home.

As the major minyan center of Monsey, Ohr Chaim Scheiner’s—with its complex of tents and minyonim rooms—will be presenting numerous megillah readings throughout the night and day; nine during the evening and twenty-six during the day.

Four simultaneous readings will commence at 7:45 this evening, with a few more in the 8,9,10, and 12:00 hours.

Daytime readings will take place between 7:20 in the morning and 4:00 in the afternoon—ensuring that every Yid in the Monsey area will be comfortably accommodated with this holy mitzvah.

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