Rockland Daily Today: Simchos and Celebration- Thursday 6 Adar/ Feb. 15
Son of Burach Naftula Horowitz to the daughter of Shmial Yahida Brazeski, in Ateres Charna.
Son of Lipa Kaufman to the daughter of Elimelach Mendalowitz, in Ateres Chaya Sura.
Son of Yaakov Yosef Beyer to the daughter of Chaim Yaakov Sigol Goldstien, in Tferes Elka.
Son of Chaim Avrum Tzvi Stiener to the daughter of Aharon Pinchos Stiener, in Avir Yaakov- Skver.
Son of Avrum Benyomin Buidek, at 200 Bates Drive. Tomorrow Shul at Ohr Yosef Yompolo Shul.
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