Rockland County Requests Residents Feedback on $63 Million Spending Fund

By Rockland Daily Staff
Rockland County has reached the three-year mark in its spending plan for the $63 million in funding it received from the American Rescue Act (ARPA) and is looking for community input on how to best spend the funds going forward.
The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 delivered federal funding to state and local municipalities with the goal of aiding in the recovery from the public health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. To date, Rockland County has used part of its $63 million in ARPA funding to support its small businesses and nonprofit communities through reimbursement grants, to develop open space projects throughout the county, and more.
While previous feedback helped guide the county in its spending strategy, the new 2024 survey will allow the county to gain further input and insight about past and planned projects and to ensure they are aligned with the community's needs.
To take the brief Rockland County AARP 2024 survey, click here.