Preparations Underway For Viznitz And Skver Wedding

Preparations Underway For Viznitz And Skver Wedding

By Idy Perl

Thousands of chassidim, community members and yidden from around the world are eagerly awaiting the much-anticipated wedding between the Skver and Vizhnitz dynasties, which will be taking place next week Monday, Parshas Veyeira, at the Rockland Community College (RCC) complex. For older chassidim of both Skver and Viznitz, this venue is reminiscent of weddings from the last few decades that have taken place in RCC. 

The chosson, Reb Elazar Hager, is the son of Reb Yaakov Yosef Hager, the eldest son of the Vizhnitz Rebbe of Monsey, and the son-in-law of his uncle, the Skvere Rebbe. The kallah is the daughter of Rabbi Pinchas Shalom Rottenberg, the Rebbe of Shiras Halevi'im Kosson in Monsey, son of the Kosson Rebbe and a grandchild of the Vizhnitz Rebbe zt”l. 

Community organizers have been working with the renowned YF Productions to arrange the logistics and technical details for the massive wedding.  Bleachers have been set up to accommodate thousands of men and bochurim, hundreds of tables have been prepared for the seuda, and a separate hall has been set up for the women. 

The Kabbalas Panim will go according to the Viznitz zman, and will begin as early as 3:45 PM to allow the chuppah to take place before shkia. The seuda will go according to the Skver zman, and the Rebbes will join the seuda by the main course. The seuda will be followed by spirited dancing and singing that will go on for hours, as the Rebbes, their families,and the chassidim will celebrate this massive simchah. 

The Shabbos Sheva Brachos will take place in the Tiferes Elka hall, and will be led by the kallah’s grandfather, the Kosson Rebbe. The Viznitz Rebbe will join the seuda Friday night to lead a tish in the main ballroom of Tiferes Elka. 

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