New Rachmistrivke Yeshivah To Open in Monsey

By Idy Perl
A new yeshivah ketana will be opening in Monsey, Yeshivas Ahavas Hatorah Rachmastrivke, under the guidance of Rachmistrivke Monsey Rebbe.
The Rebbe continues the chinuch of his great father, the Rachmastrivke Rebbe zy"u, who served as rosh yeshivah in New Square for many years before becoming Rebbe and influencing thousands of talmidim. The current Rebbe has spent many years being a mechanech in New Square and guiding the Rachmistrivke Kollel in Monsey, and will now undertake the leadership of the new yeshivah.
The yeshivah will open for the new zman starting Rosh Chodesh Elul, with R’ Yidel Geltzheiler as the rosh yeshivah.