Monsey Memories: The Belzer Rebbe’s Visit in 1981

Yitzy Fried
This week’s Monsey Memories takes us back to the spring of
1981, when the Belzer Rebbe visited the Monsey community—an event that was covered
in the local papers as we read in The Journal News in March of 1981.
Guarded by state troopers and mounted police, a grand rabbi waded through a sea of jubilant Hasidic supporters in Rockland Monday and then returned to Brooklyn. Grand Rabbi Yisucher Dov Rokeach, leader of the Belz
sect of Hasidic Jews, spent several hours in Rockland’s Hasidic communities,
meeting with heads of other congregations and greeting hundreds of his own
Preceded by honking horns and police sirens, Rokeach was
engulfed by supporters at a Belz synagogue in Monsey, where ecstatic Hasidim,
some tracking his progress with two-way radios, clapped hands, chanted songs and pressed against his rented limousine in a driveway.
At one point, his followers scampered across lawns and drove
cars through backyards, hoping to catch a closer glimpse of the 33-year-old
grand rabbi from Israel. “It’s hard to explain the experience of a Hasidic Jew
being with his rabbi,” said Rabbi Halberstam, a Belz spokesman traveling with
Later, Rokeach met with leaders of the county’s two other
major Hasidic sects, Vishnitz in Monsey, and Skvera, in the village of New
Square. The various sects stem from Hasidic dynasties begun in the 1700’s, each
taking their names from towns in Eastern Europe and developing sometimes varied
interpretations of orthodox Jewish law.
Rokeach, 33, wrapped in a mink-lined brown coat, said
nothing as his followers clapped their hands in welcome and clambered upon car
hoods for a better look. On Monday, the
Hasidim swelled in large crowds, pushing and shoving as the entourage neared 14
Roman Blvd., a Monsey ranch home converted to a Belz synagogue.
As many as 100 Rockland families support the Belz leader,
observers said, and Rokeach was surrounded by a crush of men and young boys in
the synagogue basement. There, he offered blessings and gave the children shirayem,
cookies made of wheat and flour.
Shortly after 4:30 p.m., Rokeach left New Square for the
Hasidic community of Klausenberg in Union City, N.J., before returning to