Kosnitz Montebello Holds First Shabbos Bris

by M. C. Millman
Kosnitz shul in Montebello was zoche to hold its first Shabbos bris this past week.
In less than a year, twenty-five families have joined the shul on East Mayer Drive in Montebello.
On Shabbos morning, September 3, Yaakov Kopel Kohn, son of R' Usher Kohn, who moved into the neighborhood with his family in August, was named at the shul's first Shabbos bris.
The shul has a daily shacharis minyan at 8 a.m. and a mincha-maariv 50 minutes after shkiyah.
Under the auspices of Rabbi Yisroel Sternberg, the kehillah looks forward to celebrating many more simchos in the rapidly expanding Montebello neighborhood.