Kids Cook: Kids Cook: Choishen Parsha Project

Even more fun than dressing up like the Cohen Gadol is creating this elegant and delicious Kids Cook Choisen Mishpat Parshah Project.
You will need:
- Graham cookies
- Marshmallow fluff
- Jelly beans in a variety of colors
- Lasso
Step #1
Spread marshmallow fluff all over half of a graham cracker.
Step #2
Take a variety of different color jelly beans and make 4 lines of 3 jelly beans.
Step #3
Cut 8 small pieces from the lasso and stick 2 pieces at each corner into the marshmallow fluff on the graham cracker.
Step #4
Take a picture of your finished creation and send it to [email protected] with the name of your Kids Cook creator to share with our readers.