Inspirational Evening Benefits Zisel's Links and Shlomie's Club

Inspirational Evening Benefits Zisel's Links and Shlomie's Club
M.C. Millman

A benefit event for Zisel's Links and Shlomie's Club was hosted in Monsey at the home of Tzvi and Aliza Reider with a complete program, kumzitz, and zemiros choir. 

Zisel's Links and Shlomie's Club were founded by Sarah Rivkah Kohn and Mimi Gross in 2006 to support children and teens who have lost a parent. 

The organization provides various emotional, social, and practical support services to over 2,900 boys and girls across the US, Canada, Europe, and Israel. While the annual budget for Rockland families is over $117,000, the total yearly budget for the organization is $3.2 million.

The goal of the Monsey evening was to raise funds to provide the children who are, unfortunately, members with a community of love, dignity, and practical support.

"While, of course, these events are there to raise funds," Sarah Rivkah Kohn, Founder and Director of Zisel's Links/Shlomie's Club, shares with Rockland Daily, "we do it with the utmost dignity - never showing the faces or giving away any of the details of any of the families we service. There is also the secondary goal of every fundraising event to let people learn about our organization and be able to get involved on different levels. It also brings awareness to our resources should anybody they know be able to benefit from any of our services. That's a huge component of making these community events. If the community isn't aware we're here, we can't be there for those who need us most."

Zisel's Links and Shlomie's Club provide many programs, including a yearly Shabbaton, a 24-hour hotline, targeted publications for each division, Yom Tov programs, trips, and more.  

"As members of the Links family," the Links website declares, "our children know that they are never alone. That their feelings are normal, and so are they. That there are people out there who get what it means to lose a parent. By surrounding them with a loving community of people who understand them, our children find the support, encouragement, and tools they need to keep going. They know that we're in it together."

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