Care 365 North’s Ribbon Cutting Includes Incredible Gesture to Benefit Entire Rockland Community

By M. C. Millman
Care 365 is opening its second state-of-the-art medical community-driven care facility, offering the ultimate in personalized service.
The new Pomona facility includes centers for health care, imaging, lab and diagnostics, and cardio care, just like its Monsey counterpart.
The new facility opened its doors on Tuesday afternoon, August 9. The event was attended by community leaders, elected officials, and community members. Not only was there a celebration for the new medical facility, but there were also dedications for a new Hatzoloh ambulance and a Chaverim SUV donated by Care 365 North in honor of the monumental occasion.
“Care365 ownership has been extremely gracious to Hatzoloh of Rockland for many years, Rabbi Yosef Chaim Golding, CEO of Hatzoloh of Rockland shared with Rockland Daily. Most recently, they donated a state-of-the-art ambulance to Hatzoloh (H-17), which was being dedicated today. The some-250 Hatzoloh of Rockland members are quite familiar with Care365, as Hatzoloh is called several times a week to their Monsey facility to transport patients to local hospitals. We are pleased to note that the Care365 North Facility is almost next door to the upcoming Northern Headquarters of Hatzoloh of Rockland, on Route 202, which is scheduled to be built within the next year across the street from Evergreen Uptown.”
“There are always businesses strategizing how to make more money for the company,” the event planner - Gershy Moskowits, CEO of Gershy Moskowits Productions, shared with Rockland Daily. “Then there is a company like Care 365 that is there for the community, always looking out for the people, always considering, ‘What else can we do to give you?’ And that’s what Care 365 is all about, as you can see from today’s ribbon-cutting event where Care 365 gave a brand new Hatzoloh bus and a brand new squad car for Chaverim, despite the tremendous cost! That shows their motto - We give back what you give us.”
The Rockland community is invited to a grand opening, Sunday Funday celebration for the entire family that will take place at Care 365 North on Sunday, August 28. The celebration will include family entertainment, rides, raffles, giveaways including first-aid kits, and surprises.
The new Care 365 North is located at 1633 Route 202 in Pomona.