Breaking News: TERROR IN TEL AVIV: Multiple Dead and Severe Injured. Story unfolding.

By: Rockland Daily staff
Yet more terror against our brothers and sisters in in Eretz Yisroel this evening, following the horrific attacks of the last two weeks, which left eleven people dead, and many wounded.
Three shooters were involved in this terror attack around 9:30 Israel time on Dizengoff Street, one of the main thoroughfares in Tel Aviv.
As these attacks are tragically becoming more frequent, it seems that the terrorists are stepping up the intensity, and the number of attackers. While one terrorist was taken out immediately, two others continued their bloody rampage—aiming at men, women, and children, indiscriminately.
Large numbers of people could be seen running away from the scene, terrified for their lives, not knowing where the next shooter could strike.
The story is still unfolding, and as of this moment there are six fatalities, and fifteen injured, in a number of locations.