BDE: Refoel Yaakov (Rafi) Strauss, z”l

BDE: Refoel Yaakov (Rafi) Strauss, z”l

Yitzy Fried

This morning, throngs of friends and admirers gathered to escort a beloved friend and hero who overcame his life’s challenges with Herculean strength. 

Rafi Strauss z"l was born with a condition that made him especially vulnerable to skin cancer. He underwent an astounding 500 surgeries in his life, and never complained about his lot. 

Living in Monsey, he worked hard cleaning Shuls and yeshivos during the nighttime hours so as not be exposed to the sun. 

Despite all that he endured, Rafi was filled with Simchas hachaim, endearing him to countless people in the Monsey community and beyond. 

The levaya was held Sunday morning at Congregation Knesses Yisroel in New Hempstead,  and the niftar was brought to Eretz Yisroel for kevurah. 

Yehi zichro baruch.

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