Anticipated Construction of Fire Operations Building in Rockland

Anticipated Construction of Fire Operations Building in Rockland

M.C. Millman

The construction of a new Fire Operations Building will begin this summer to provide firefighters with a training facility close to home. 

The project, which began fourteen months ago, has just completed the final stage of the bidding process. Next, the project must go through a review process and then contracts. 

 "Well, it's coming. It's been a while, but we're going to get it done," Chris Kear, Director of Rockland Fire and Emergency Services, told News12. "And this is not for me or anyone. This is for the fire service, and it's important that we train our firefighters effectively." 

Kears said the building would be equipped with a four-story tower, multiple burn rooms, and more, allowing firefighters to train for search and rescue, propelling from buildings, and many other firefighting operations. 

According to Kears, the ultimate goal is to complete the project in December. At that point, fire departments will have a nearby training center to practice, eliminating the need to travel to other locations.

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