Vinderkind Uv on Shelves Now

By Idy Perl
Music is once again blasting in Jewish homes, and it's the perfect time to turn on the latest Vinderkind edition! This edition includes brand-new, exciting content that will keep children entertained through the Nine Days and the rest of Chodesh Av.
Track 1: We’re Building- A heartwarming song about how all “vinderkinden” can build the Bais Hamikdash.
Track 2: A Fool In The Palace- When someone who appeared foolish managed to get into the plishti’s palace.
Track 3: Together in the Desert- A dramatic story told by R’ Chaim Shalom Rubin.
Track 4: The Secrets of Paper- R’ Moshe Klein visits an old-fashioned paper factory in Butan.
Track 5: The Unhappy Employee- Why you can rely on the employee who is unhappy with everything.
Track 6: Aizehi Asher- A beautiful song about what true happiness means.
Track 7: The Baal Teshuvah- What happens when a baal teshuvah confuses halachos.
Track 8: Poetry of Comfort- Heartfelt poetry about the geulah that is also a game accompanied.
And much much more!
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