Today in History: National Milk Day
M.C. Millman
Today was chosen as Milk Day in America because milk was delivered to customers in glass bottles for the first time in the country on this day.
On January 11, 1878, the New York Dairy Company delivered milk to homes in sterilized glass bottles sealed with waxed paper. Until that point, storing and delivering milk was considered unsanitary and likely hazardous. Milk delivery was hazardous because pasteurization was only used in the United States in the 1890s to control bacterial disease after the discovery of the germ theory by Louis Pasteur.
The University of Florida refers to dairy foods as a key part of the MyPlate dietary guide from the USDA. Dairy includes milk, yogurt, and cheese, which all provide calcium. Milk, in particular, also provides vitamin D, vitamin A, protein, potassium, riboflavin, vitamin B12, and phosphorous without added sugars.
For those feeling nostalgic, milk delivery has returned to the city. Frank Acosta, owner of Manhattan Milk and known as the Modern Day Milkman, delivers local milk to customers in all five boroughs and other locations.
Milk this day for what it's worth and celebrate a primary food group that provides us with many key nutrients - milk.