Today in History: Liberation of Auschwitz, International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Today in History: Liberation of Auschwitz, International Holocaust Remembrance Day


On the 27th of January in 1945, Auschwitz concentration camp, the Nazi concentration camp where more than a million people were murdered, was liberated by the Red Army. Although most of the prisoners had been forced onto a death march, about 7,000 were left behind.

The soldiers reacted in shock and disbelief to the evidence of Nazi atrocities. In addition to burying the dead, the Allied forces attempted to help and comfort the survivors with food, clothing, and medical assistance.

Ivan Martinushkin, 96, is one of the last remaining Russian soldiers who liberated Auschwitz. He shared the following in an interview with Euro News.

“We approached one group, they stood by the barracks. People were exhausted, worn to a shadow, darkened, emaciated by hunger, hollow-cheeked.”

"We did not understand their language at all. But when we looked in their eyes we saw that they understand one thing - the hell is over."

"And we had this feeling that we brought liberation to those people."

This date is recognized as International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Photo: Flickr

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